
Bullying of any kind is not tolerated at Magdalen College School. As soon as staff are made aware or notice any form of bullying they are required to take action and report it to the pastoral team. Pupils are actively encouraged to report all forms of bullying either to an adult in school or at home or to a student mentor. If a pupil feels unable to report the bullying directly they are able to use the following websites and email confidentially from them:

Use this 'Report it - Bullying' form

pupils can email a member of staff

Pupils have opportunities through the PCSHE and extended learning curriculum, assemblies, and tutor time activities to learn about:

  • the different types of bullying
  • the impact bullying can have on young people
  • strategies to deal with bullies
  • the importance of talking to someone about their experience
  • how to be an upstander

The school uses the following definition of bullying when dealing with incidents:

“Bullying is persistent behaviour which makes you feel uncomfortable or threatened whether this is intended or not.”

The school will use a variety of methods to resolve a bullying situation. The school will issue sanctions for bullying but evidence has shown that other methods have a more successful, long term outcome. The type of resolution for a bullying situation will be discussed and agreed with the victim and their parents/carers.

Further guidance and details can be found in:

Anti-bullying Policy 

Dealing with Bullying

Cyberbullying Guide for parents